Thursday, April 30, 2009

Setting the Record Straight - Not as Easy as it Looks

During the April 13, 2009 Brentwood City Commission meeting, Commissioner Regina Smithson spent a few minutes at the conclusion of the meeting attempting to set the record straight about an answer she gave to a question during the first candidate forum in March. (An important move in what will likely be a close election with 10 candidates running for four seats. Don't forget, Election Day is Tuesday, May 5, 2009.)

The question Commissioner Smithson was asked during that forum, along with the other candidates, was, "Have you ever voted to raise a tax or a fee?" A straight-forward question if ever there was one. (Some people would even say it's a yes or no question -- people including Mayor Joe Reagan who clearly took it that way when he answered, albeit incorrectly, "No.") Commissioner Smithson mentioned a small cell phone fee increase as being the only one she could remember.

Well, almost a month after that March 16 forum Commissioner Smithson used her platform during a City Commission meeting to correct herself and expunge her record on fee increases. In fact, she seized the opportunity to proclaim that the commission has never raised fees on the citizens of Brentwood.

Some 9,300 residences in Brentwood that saw their sewer bill increase 25% a year ago (an average of $6.77 per month per customer) may disagree with Commissioner Smithson's assertion. Watch the video, decide for yourself, and vote on Tuesday, May 5, 2009. Your Vote Determines the Course Brentwood Takes.


  1. Thank you for keeping government accountable and honest.

  2. Should ANY of the other 6 (SIX!!) commissioners corrected her? Should the City Manager have corrected the commissioner Smithson? What about the lawyers sitting beside him? She obviously asked if that was correct, and was not corrected by the people who should have known. It's clear you show what you want- twisting the facts to fit YOUR agenda.

  3. To Anonymous #2 -

    "She obviously asked if that was correct, and was not corrected by the people who should have known. It's clear you show what you want- twisting the facts to fit YOUR agenda."

    YES the other commissioners, City Manager, and attorneys had an opportunity to correct Commissioner Smithson if you watch the meeting but they did not. No facts are twisted here -- what happened is what is presented. Commissioner Smithson stated "I'll say it then" in regards to NEVER raising fees on the citizens of Brentwood. It's public record -- the meetings are available to view at the city website. Take a look for yourself.

