Monday, July 27, 2009

Director Interviews Scheduled -- TAKE ACTION!!

The five semi-finalists vying for the position of Director of Williamson County Schools are scheduled for public interviews next week in the Carolyn Campbell Room at the WCS Central Office located at 1320 West Main in Franklin.

Local residents are invited and strongly encouraged to attend these interviews and hear directly from the individuals seeking to lead Williamson County Schools as they are interviewed. The schedule is as follows:
  • Monday, August 3, 6pm - Dr. David Heath (Interim Superintendent WCS)
  • Monday, August 3, 8pm - Dennis Dearden (Senior VP, Partnership for Excellence, AZ)
  • Tuesday, August 4, 6pm - Dr. Barry Carroll (Supt. Limestone County Schools, AL)
  • Tuesday, August 4, 8pm - Michael Looney (Supt. Butler County School District, AL)
  • Wednesday, August 5, 6pm - James Wilson (Former Supt. Fulton County Schools, GA)
At a special called meeting at 6pm on Thursday, August 6, the School Board will choose which of the candidates to bring in for a second interview. Time is short to let your school board reps know how you feel about the candidates.

One of these men will very likely be named to lead Williamson County Schools before the end of August. The position affects not only students and parents in the county, but ALL residents of Williamson County. Corporations have found Williamson County a desirable location in part because of the quality school system. The attractive schools help sustain property values here AND keep the residential tax burden relatively low because of those business and sales taxes. If our schools begin to suffer as a result of poor leadership that lacks vision such a decline will ultimately affect your property value -- whether you have children in the public schools or not.

So, email the Board members and let them know your personal thoughts on this important decision. Let them all know you are interested and engaged in how this situation is resolved. It's too important NOT to get involved.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! We want as many from the community to attend as can make it. If folks can be there for all 5, that would be wonderful. If they can only attend for part of one, that is OK. The important thing is to come and to make your thoughts known to each Board member.
