Dennis Dearden, one of three current finalists for the Williamson County Director of Schools position, was an applicant for a superintendent's position in Florida the SAME DAY his resignation became effective in Arizona in 2008.
Dearden's letter of interest for the Pinellas County School District in Florida is dated June 30, 2008 -- the same day his resignation from Marana Unified School District in Arizona for "personal reasons" took effect.
Dearden's letters of recommendation for the position in Florida are glowing, naturally. The question that must be pondered is how does one go from stepping down to focus on spending time with family, to applying for an identical job across the country on the same day? Especially when Dearden stated in an April 3, 2008 Arizona Daily Star article that he had no immediate plans for other employment.
Dearden is also quoted in the Daily Star with the following:
"I feel strongly that I must devote my full attention to my most important job in life - being a dad to my three children."
Although Dearden was not chosen as a finalist from the 36 Florida applicants, Williamson County becomes at least the third superintendent position Dearden has applied for in the year since he resigned in Arizona -- behind Pinellas County (June 2008) and Washoe County Schools in Nevada (June 2009).
Williamson County doesn't deserve to be used as a "stepping stone" -- we deserve and must demand commitment from the person handed the role of Director in the top district in Tennessee. Perhaps Mr. Dearden resolved his personal reasons for resignation quickly and decided he could balance parenting with the demanding duties of a Superintendent. The Daily Star reported that one of Dearden's sons had just returned from a 16-month tour in Iraq around the time of his resignation. The bottom line is that the School Board has the responsibility to determine to the best of their ability the motives of all three remaining candidates before making this important decision for our community.
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