Thursday, August 6, 2009

Looney, Dearden, and Carroll Finalists for WCS Director

Michael Looney, Dennis Dearden, and Dr. Barry Carroll are the three finalists chosen by the Williamson County School Board to be invited back for a second interview. Eliminated from consideration during the special board meeting were Interim Director Dr. David Heath and James Wilson of Georgia. The three finalists will be invited to schedule tours and interviews August 18-20.

The Board members used a matrix evaluation form provided by search firm Ray & Associates to compare the candidates head-to-head (Candidate 1 to Candidate 2, then Candidate 1 to Candidate 3, etc.) without discussion of individual candidates. The matrix was completed by each board member during a recess and the results were tabulated before the meeting reconvened and the results were announced.

Looney, the Superintendent of Butler County School District in Alabama since 2005, scored a total of 44 on the matrix. Dearden, a retired superintendent from the Marana Unified School District in Arizona, scored 28 on the matrix evaluation. Dearden is currently a senior VP with the Partnership for Excellence, he formerly was an assistant superintendent in Fairfax County, Virginia. Dr. Carroll, superintendent of Limestone County Schools in Alabama, scored 23 on the matrix.

Dr. Heath scored 15 on the head-to-head matrix and Wilson scored 10. Of note is that Board President Pat Anderson and Janice Mills both placed Dr. Heath above every one of the other four candidates. Comparatively, seven board members did not score Dr. Heath above a single one of the other four candidates. Looney was second behind Dr. Heath on both Pat Anderson's and Mills' matrix. Eight board members placed Looney ahead of every one of the other four candidates, with the remaining four board members placing only one candidate above Looney (two had Dearden above Looney, and two had Dr. Heath above Looney).

So, Brentwood Watchdog's assessment that all signs pointed to Dr. Heath being elevated to the position proved not to come to fruition. Instead, the School Board members (for the most part, at least) appear to have witnessed the interviews with open minds in search of the best candidate to lead our schools. Kudos to each of them for a job well done on this phase. It's possible that by the end of August the new Director of Williamson County Schools will be hired from among Looney, Dearden, and Dr. Carroll. Stay tuned!


  1. These three clearly out classed the other two (and the previous director). Everything else being equal, I hope Dearden is the final choice. Both he and Looney appear committed to leading WCS to new and higher levels of performance. Dearden, though, in both words and past actions, seems truly committed to open, inclusive, bottom-up management. He appears to lead by opening the decision-making process up, building consensus, and bringing everyone along. Looney would be be great too, but Dearden just gets the edge due to his decision-making style (and record).

  2. I can assure you that if you want open decision making, Looney is NOT your man. He will ingratiate himself to the other leaders in your area, even become friends with them. He knows who he MUST please, and the others he's not overly concerned with.
