Wednesday, August 26, 2009

WCS Board Members Making "Site Visit" to Alabama

Two members of the Williamson County School Board will visit Alabama's Butler County School District Thursday, August 27, to get feedback from individuals there regarding the possibility of Michael Looney becoming Williamson County's next Director of Schools.

According to a story by Kevin Pearcey in Tuesday's Greenville Advocate, a third Williamson County School Board member will check Looney's references via telephone in preparation for a meeting next Wednesday, September 2, during which the board is expected to choose between Looney and Dennis Dearden. Board members will make a similar visit to Dearden's most recent district in Arizona, and check his references as well.

During a non-binding matrix evaluation during a meeting this past Monday night, Looney received the most support, with Dearden placing second. Dr. Barry Carroll was eliminated from consideration for the post during the meeting. Several board members expressed an interest in site visits and reviewing the references already collected and verified by search firm Ray & Associates.

The first three comments about the story on the Greenville Advocate's website offer a bit of insight into at least how some locals there view Looney's possible departure for Tennessee.

Posted by BLOKE1 (anonymous) on August 26, 2009 at 8:49 a.m. (Suggest removal)

Everybody cross your fingers....he might be gone??? ;-)

Posted by talks2much (anonymous) on August 26, 2009 at 9:31 a.m. (Suggest removal)

Amen!! Let's all be on our best behavior and having glowing comments about him. Maybe they'll see they can't live without him!!!

Posted by jmcoleman (anonymous) on August 26, 2009 at 9:40 a.m. (Suggest removal)

These kinds of trips remind me of the movie Funny Farm. What do the TN people expect? If the Butler County people want to keep him, then will they speak glowingly about him? I don't know understand what the I would be looking for if I were on the search committee.

Hopefully our School Board representatives will search out Looney's supporters as well as some detractors (they can be found on the Advocate's website!) as they attempt to gain a more complete picture of the man who seems to be the front-runner to become the next Director of Williamson County Schools. Once the contract is signed, sealed, and delivered it will be time to move forward with the new director. The time for due diligence is now -- anything less is unacceptable.


  1. Wow. How about this. The comment feature of this article has been disabled. What does that tell you folks? He has so much influence through the mayor and the newspaper, he can get them to disable the comments section of the article?? Just be VERY careful folks....

  2. If those from the Williamson County search committee come to Butler County to see what has been achieved/accomplished in the Butler County School System during Mr. Looney's tenure as Superintendent, there will be much to see and learn. The advancement and progress made in just four years is incredible. The stakeholders in the Butler County system will continue to benefit far into the future as a result of Looney's tenacity and gutsy determination. Whether you love him or hate him, give the man credit for his leadership in bringing the Butler county School System out of the Dark Ages. I seriously doubt that candidate Dearden's record can measure up to the record of achievements by Looney in such a short period of time.

  3. Your committee does need to be extremely careful. I agree with the first poster. I live in Butler County, Alabama and I can not remember a time that the Greenville newspaper has chosen to censure comments that fit WELL within the guidelines. They have completely disabled them on the Looney article.

    Looney does have a lot of influence over the local government and the media in the county. The bi-weekly newpaper puts out a pro-Looney article every week at least, and deletes any comment (and there are many), that do not match their views.

    I think the people in such a large school system deserve to have a clear view of things, and I hope they interview the general public during their visit. They will find quite a difference between the views of the majority of the people, and the small town "fish wrap" the Greenville Advocate.
